We’re an affirming Christian community eager to share God’s hospitality.
It's a hospitality that embraces you as you are, regardless of age, culture, gender, marital status, orientation, the state of your bank book, or the state of your faith.
Working for the full inclusion of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities in the United Church of Canada and in society, Affirm United/S’affirmer Ensemble is a justice-oriented organization of people in The United Church of Canada. Membership is open to all those who support our work, regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity. We draw our vision from our faith tradition: Affirm United/S’affirmer Ensemble is a voice and a support for people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. We draw strength and hope from biblical stories of liberation; from the prophetic call to live justly, love tenderly, and walk humbly with God; and from Jesus’ witness to God’s inclusive love.
We are excited and honoured to be among the initial partners in a network of community organizations seeking to advance the process of Truth and Reconciliation in Oak Bay.
ReconciliACTION Oak Bay is a collaboration of Oak Bay-based organizations committed to building community to community relationships with the Songhees and Esquimalt peoples and taking concrete action to build a just future together.
Current members are the Community Association of Oak Bay, Oak Bay United Church, St Mary’s Anglican Church, the Heritage Foundation of Oak Bay, and the University of Victoria Living Lab Project. We look forward to other community organizations joining us in a growing network of collaborators in this vital work.
ReconciliACTION OB is animated by the spirit of the Sno’uyutth Welcome Pole, which was raised on the grounds of Oak Bay High School on November 22, 2015, which date has since been proclaimed annually as Sno’uyutth Day In Oak Bay.
The pole was designed by Songhees artist Butch Dick and carved by his late son, Clarence. It was commissioned by the Community Association of Oak Bay and funded by contributions from many community partners, including OBUC. It was raised to “spread good energy” and symbolize the beginning of a new relationship between the Oak Bay community and the Songhees and Esquimalt peoples in whose traditional territory Oak Bay is situated.
ReconciliACTION OB supports public engagement and action around Truth-telling and Reconciliation to foster awareness of the importance and potential elements of Reconciliation.

Seeking Truth, Anti-Racism and Reconciliation
At Oak Bay United, STARs (we add the “s” because we are all STARs!) is committed to learning about the complicated truths of our shared history with indigenous and other racialized people in our community and to finding ways to help each other and our larger church community to take positive steps toward reconciliation.
Book studies (see list of Books Read)
Share information about and attend local community events and learning opportunities
Partnered with Fairfield United to offer an intergenerational story-telling event with Lucky Budd
Organize historical and cultural tours through the Songhees Nation
Mark the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation with a special service and participating in community events, and selling Orange Shirt Day Pins and T-shirts
Honour Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women And Girls and Two-Spirit People by sharing information about and taking part in the annual Moosehide Campaign Walk to End Violence toward Women and Children, and by selling Red Dress Day pins and distributing Moosehide pins
Represent Oak Bay United at the ReconciliACTION Oak Bay Network (of which we are a founding member)
join us for our regular meetings (Email Felicite Stairs to connect)
join us when you can for book studies and discussion, local cultural tours and more
join our e-mail list for notice of upcoming opportunities