We gather as a congregation, offering a children’s Sunday morning ministry woven into the fullness of our 10am Sunday Worship & Song. The first part of Worship & Song is about 20 minutes long and includes song, prayer and sacred story. After the minister shares the "Story of Our Faith", we explore the word together, and then transition to the second part of worship.
Children and youth move to children’s church rooms to explore our Christian story and practices, while the rest of the congregation remains in the sanctuary to hear the sermon and engage our Christian practices. The Sunday morning children’s church is vibrant and exciting at Oak Bay United, with dozens of people ages birth to 17 actively involved. Children and youth are also very welcome to choose to remain with their adults for the duration of upstairs worship.
The Nursery, just off the Worship space, for little ones who need a comfy place to play and be snuggled, although littles are warmly welcome “in the pews” (but actually we have comfortable chairs)! Breast/chest-feeding is welcome everywhere in the church.